# Some Waroeng Santri applications include advertisements in them, and already use filters, so that the ads that appear are suitable for consumption by Indonesian children.# If an ad that is deemed uneducative and inappropriate for children to watch, please contact us, and we will forward it to Google as the ad content provider. We also apologize when that happens.Like all of us, we dont expect this to be the case either. Hopefully our pursuit applications Waroeng Santri can bring more educational benefits and impacts for more Indonesian children.In the Book of Qurrotul Uyun by Sheikh Muhammad At-Tihami bin Al-Madani Kanun which is the sharah (explanatory book) of the Nazhom Book (poetry) Sheikh Ibn Yamun explains in detail how manners and the best way of jima (intercourse).A husband who wants to have intercourse (jima ) with his wife is encouraged to make out and kiss his wifes head preceded. Syeikh Ibn Yaman said, if jima was not preceded by playing (flirting), then it could lead to disputes and strife. It can even cause children who are born to be stupid and weak in their brains.This is as explained in the Book of An-Nashihah that a husband who does warm-up (caresses) will get a great reward. From Sayyidah Aisyah radhiallahu anha (RA) he said, that the Prophet SAW said: "Whoever holds his wifes hand and then seduces her, then Allah assigns to him one good, and Allah removes for him one badness and Allah raises him one degree. embracing his wife, then Allah assigns him ten goodness, and Allah removes the ten badness for him and Allah raises him ten degrees. And if he accepts his wife, it is better for him than the world and its contents.